but I sure did!
My date Neil and I cutting a rug, as the kids say.
Cheryl´s Mom claimed our dancing was so good we could be professionals!
Aunt Diane looking red hot and my Dad as handsome as ever!
It was great to be home and spend some time with friends and family. I´m really grateful to everyone for making time to hang out and catch up. There´s never enough time, but I feel like I crammed a lot of America into two short weeks.
Back in Ecuador: very happy to see David and the puppy. Both greeted me with lots of affection but only one peed a little from the excitement (guess who!) Magola, David´s mom or as everyone here says, my suegra (mother-in-law) made her delicious crab soup as a welcome back dinner. The next few weeks were surprisingly busy, or as busy as things can be when you live in the campo. The first trimester of school was ending so I had to review with my students and prep their English exams. I also started an organic fertilizer workshop and we are finally cleaning up the land for the community garden. My sources for free seeds keep falling through so I´m trying to do some seed saving and plant what I have. The soil is really bad from the pineapple that was planted there before so I´m thinking I´ll start with beans to give the soil back some nutrients and of course we´ll use our compost to improve the soil. I also spent a lot of time working with David on his family´s land. We have balsa and passion fruit nurseries planted and hopefully we can transplant them soon.
Before I knew it, it was time to go back to the airport in Quito to pick up Michelle (F. Lang), Jessalynn and Maeve, who came to visit for a week. I was so nervous that they would get sick, or robbed, or attacked by giant frogs, or who knows what, but I worried for nothing, everything turned out great. We went to Otavalo first to get some Ecua chatchkies and attempted to hike a volcano with an amazing view of the Laguna Mojanda.
Before I knew it, it was time to go back to the airport in Quito to pick up Michelle (F. Lang), Jessalynn and Maeve, who came to visit for a week. I was so nervous that they would get sick, or robbed, or attacked by giant frogs, or who knows what, but I worried for nothing, everything turned out great. We went to Otavalo first to get some Ecua chatchkies and attempted to hike a volcano with an amazing view of the Laguna Mojanda.
I like this picture because it looks like Jessalynn is kicking a child.
I was super excited for them to see my site and after many buses and hopping a ride on the back of a truck we were finally there! Magola made shrimp ceviche and patacones, David grilled fish and prawns and for Michelle (still a real vegetarian, unlike me) I made peanut sauce to eat over farm fresh yucca. It was an Ecua feast! Some friends from the neighborhood came over and attempted to communicate with the three new gringas. When words weren´t available gestures and expressive faces worked just as well.
The next day we went to the school to perform a puppet show on caring for the environment. The script was finalized the night before and we had a run through in the morning before leaving the house. It went over well but the best part came when in our spree of throwing garbage into the audience SOMEONE threw the second page of the script. It was recovered and the show went on, but it was by far a bigger laugh than any joke I´d written.
After that we went outside and danced the hokey pokey, which is a lot more exhausting than I remembered. Then we asked the kids what songs they knew and one adorable 2nd grader stood up and sang ¨Gasolina¨by Daddy Yankee. Our timing was good because the kids got out early and were on vacation for the rest of the week. I swear they´ve had like 2 months of class since they started in April, but anyway...
We went to the finca where I´d been working to harvest some hearts of palm and check on our seedlings. My friends referred to it as a jungle, which I found amusing.
Later we went swimming in the river with a bunch of kids. As Michelle put it, ¨It was really cool how we went swimming and all of these children just popped out of no where and tagged along.¨For some reason we attempted to sit on this log, it was kind of painful.
Then we headed to the soccer field to play football and fĂștbol. Michelle played her heart out, opening up great passes but I just kept eating the goals as they say. I blame the fact that I recently ran down the side of a volcano. After they had their taste of life as a Peace Corps Volunteer we headed to the beach for some fun in the Ecuatorial sun. Some of us got burnt. We headed to a less touristy, more out of the way beach called Mompiche so as we were waiting for the bus, which wouldn´t pass for at least an hour, a police officer came over and helped us hitch a ride on the back of a truck that was also carrying diesel. One of those only in Ecuador moments that I´m glad they got to experience.

From there we headed to Mindo and I got to see my friend Alicia before she headed back to the states and my friends got to try ziplining above the canopy forest.
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