Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Some Bolivians I Know

Karla, one of my most excellent trainers wearing my favorite shirt
(Do fries come with that Shake?) You bet they do Karla!

This is my favorite picture of Rosamel, she looks like a 3 year old gangster running a mandarin smuggling operation through Bolivia.

Rosamel and Sylvia coloring in my room, a.k.a my social life in site

Leidy and Jimena, my landlady´s grand-daughters and my dance partners

Leidy and her brother Kevin in the kitchen

Jimena and Oscar, my other 3 year old shadow

I had to force these kids to smile for this picture.

Some of the women from the centro de mujeres taking a break in the garden

Crooked faced Rocky who lives in my friend Jaime´s site
My favorite graffiti artist in Tarija, only a chick could pull off graffiti in cursive

Okay, I know the Pope isn´t Bolivian but he will be there to greet you when you get off the plane in Tarija

Bolivian sentiments

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